Hi. I'm Greg Matthews.

I am a Certified Information Technologist, currently living in French Creek, Parksville on beautiful Vancouver Island.

For over 25 years I have been employed providing online and offline technical services to a large real estate brokerage.

I have created inventory / bar-code systems, e-commerce backend management for selling on large marketplaces, multi-domain platform hosting sytem, company CRM platform, Mobile Progessive Web Apps and more...

*Note, I am not currently interested in real estate projects or employment in the real estate field.

Learn about what I do

Certified Information Technologist

I have a strong passion and dedication for technology that runs deep from the simple to the complex!

"What we do not know, can be learned. The constant evolution of the online environment requires constant learning!"


Create websites and databases powering landing pages to complex dashboards.

Cloud Management

Proficient in the creation & setup to the daily management of cloud systems to power an array of online scenario's.

Information Technologist

Keen to learn new skills, polish old skills and create fun projects.

Business Solutions

Mobile Apps, Online Dashboards, Integrated Databases,
Cloud Presence & Management, Online Business Solutions + more...

Do you have an interesting project?

If this interests you and feel my skill set would be a good fit, to learn more about myself and share your idea's or requirements, reach out to me directly.
I am not available for volunteer work or work for investment in project opportunities.

greg@gregmatthews.ca | 250-713-1308